



Disclaimer All materials, content, services, information and goods on this website including graphics and connections are owned or licenced by Rummychamp and its operator Rummychamp. However, Rummychamp does not guarantee the correctness of the website's content or that no third party will file a claim alleging violation of rights by any of the website's content or functions.

Rummychamp makes no guarantee of merchantability or fitness for any of the functions of this website. The remedies available to users in the event of an interruption or loss of continuity in any activity on the website are detailed in the terms and conditions.

Rummychamp assumes no responsibility for any viruses, harmful components, or any malicious or disabling code or software that may affect the website or a user may be exposed to as a result of using it. The company will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the website remains free of viruses or other harmful components. Users use the website at their own risk.

While playing rummy is legal in most parts of India, Rummychamp.in does not represent that no restrictions or conditions will be implemented in various countries on the playing of rummy in the future. Users who respond to advertisements or purchase any products advertised on Rummychamp.in do so at their own risk.